Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I attended my first Recruiter Awards Banquet in Savannah this past weekend. Very nice. The hotel was on the river in the historic section of town. Speaking of historic I have noticed a new trend. The word "historic" has been replaced with the word "historical". My garden club (yes, I belong to a garden club) has a committee to research "historical gardens". Homes that are over 100 years old are not historic but historical. I first noticed this a few months ago on TV. I have paid close attention now and have noticed that everyone is doing it. Am I crazy? Maybe.

So anyway, the HISTORIC section of town was really neat. Lots of really old buildings and relics. We arrived a day early to see the sights. The first night my handsome husband and I walked through the whole of the historic area and had supper at a Scottish pub called Molly McPherson's. GREAT food and atmosphere. They also have the largest selection of "Malts" or Scotch I have ever seen. Two pages (in small print) of Scotch were listed! Payson had a "black and tan" beer. He was in heaven. My husband looks very German to me. His heritage is seeped in Scottland so I'll wager a Saxon is in the woodpile somewhere. He is stocky and very strong. He would make a good extra in the William Wallace movie. Sitting in that pub, he looked right at home!

Friday the rest of the recruiting command arrived. My team, which is known as the X-Men, went to the Pirate House to eat supper. The Pirate House is a historic building that has been converted into a restaurant. It is an old creaking building with twisting narrow halls and rooms decorated with a nautical theme. I was in heaven! Our SGM came along for the meal and fellowship. The food was good and the drinks were better. The atmosphere was wonderful. After the meal and halfway through our fellowship I spot my husband and the SGM talking in earnest. They are looking at a small card and the SGM is pointing to it as my husband looks on in great interest. ACK!! The SGM is discussing the new bonus system based on accessions to my husband! I jump up from my seat where I was happily talking to some wives and say loudly "SGM! WHAT are you doing?" He turns to me with the biggest crocodile smile and says "Why, I am explaining the bonus system to your husband SGT Fields!" Smart man. Evil man. LOL.

Saturday afternoon was spent in meetings. Saturday night was the banquet. I'll write about that later. I need to go for now. Just remind me to talk about the SGM looking like James West.


Blogger SGT Lori said...

Yes it sounds too much like hysterical! And sure, you can link to my blog. Not a problem

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 7:15:00 PM  

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