Still No Word...Sort of...
Well, I still have no *official* word on whether or not I am hired. However, comma, I have orders to attend the Recruitment and Retention Non-Commissioned Officer (RRNCO) school in
The seminar is in Northeast Georgia (GORGEOUS) and I will have to attend at my own expense, without pay, since I am not "official" yet. I plan on attending for the most two important days (most speakers, programs, etc.) and not the entire week. So although I am not officially a recruiter... I will be soon. So with much fan fare, I am announcing to the world (except my present unit) that I am now an unofficial Georgia Army National Guard Recruitment and Retention Non-Commissioned Officer (GaARNG RRNCO). By the way, don't you just love all the acronyms??
Confusing? Yes. The wheels of the GaARNG turn very slowly. VERY slowly. However the RRNCO unit is VERY efficient and on the ball. So I have a slot for school, they have my uniforms ordered and are grooming me for my slotted recruitment area. In a way this is very comforting. I know that once the HRC (Human Resources Command) calls me, I go and sign the next three years of my life away, I get orders in hand for RRNCO and things will progress nicely. From working with my recruiter on several issues over the last 8 months and seeing how his career has progressed; I realized that his unit is exceptionally squared away. Very comforting indeed.
I will be assigned out of an Armory in
My NCOIC (NCO In Charge) is a former Army Ranger. I'll call him SFC Ranger and talk about Gung-Ho…. He is very tall, ruggedly slim with a deep voice and likes to cuss. He already told me "SGT Fields, you are gonna cuss my name the first three months of your tour. By the way, you don't cry do you? Nah, you’re a Sergeant... Sergeants don't cry. I hate it when my Recruiters cry on me." Then between puffs on a cigarette he proceeded to describe how HE would recruit people... "Ima RANGER. I'd like to say 'ENLIST NOW, YOU WORTHLESS PEICE OF SHIT!' but I have to play nice-nice with the civilians." I died laughing.
He let me know it would be a tough job but with a lot of benefits. It is difficult to become a recruiter, then more difficult to actually be one. SFC Ranger began to let me know that he would push me PAST my limits but he would also make sure I was well rewarded if I "make mission". Within 2 years I will be a Sergeant First Class or an E-7. My goal is E-9 before I retire in 12 years so this will make a huge difference.
The area I am assigned to will not be an easy area.
The second college is
Why all this information?? Well, all these schools can be good and bad. Bad because most of the kids that are in college are not really interested in pursuing a career in the Military, however since the National Guard has the BEST educational benefits.... as in: money for school... it could work out to be a big bonus.
What is the down side of
I am really looking forward to this. I think I will do a good job. I really like helping people and think the Military is a great way to go so this will be right up my alley.