Monday, January 16, 2006

Kilo India Four Kinky Mean Queen

My call sign is KI4KMQ, and spoken in Milspeak should be Kilo India Four Kilo Mike Quebec but someone tagged me with Kinky Mean Queen for KMQ and it has never left my brain. It does make it rather easy to remember my call sign but it is going to be rather embarassing the first time I sign on the radio saying "This is KI4KMQ; Kilo India Four Kinky Mean Queen this is Lori. " So far I have only been on the Ham radio frequency net ONCE and I avoided saying it wrong, although I had to REALLY concentrate!

I tested for my license in August this past year. Long before I knew for certain I would join the Guard. I wanted to do something that would help me keep my skills. I decided Ham radio would be a good way to do it. So I took some online practice tests and using a free online study guide I went to a local Ham Fest and took the test. I passed on my first try. I was rather relieved as I had our son with me and would have been totally EMBARASSED to come out of the testing center to announce to my 10 year old that his MOM had FAILED her test! LOL. I passed and a few weeks later got my official call sign.

I haven't been on the radio because I haven't purchased a radio. Ham radio is not for the faint of wallet. I found out quickly that it *is* an expensive hobby. So I decided I would have to wait for available funds.

Last month one of my husband's patients found out I had joined the Guard. He is in a all volunteer state emergency unit. It is Army, but it is not part of the Army. I am not sure of all the details but I will find out. He is prior service Marine Corp but too old to volunteer for the National Guard or other services. He tried. He still tries! He writes letters to Washington and is working hard on trying to make changes. In the meantime he volunteers with this all volunteer unit. We also found out we share a common interest in Ham radio.

Bill invited me to a Ham Radio club meeting and I went this past Tuesday night. It was a lot of fun. Everyone was very friendly and I met a lot of vets. They said to say thank you to any and all of the troops so if you are in the Military that means you! Bill also produced a small radio that I am borrowing until I can buy the radio I have been eyeballing. This is my dream radio but hey it's $10K ... guess I WILL have to settle for less. :-)

So if you are a ham radio enthusiast, shout at me (KI4KMQ) one day on 146.940 -( 88.5)


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