Friday, April 06, 2007

Junior High Humor

I saw Blades Of Glory today. My son turned 12 and my sister and I took him to the restaurant of his choice (Dead Lobster) and the Movie of his choice. OF COURSE he chose a movie targeting a young male audience. However I love Will Farrell, and Farrell at least makes movies that have enough humor to make even a mom laugh. IT WAS HILARIOUS. Yeah there were quite a few juvenile moments but over all it was a hoot. The Iron Lotus was so funny.


Blogger Unknown said...

So I have a question for you. I'd ask my recruiter people... but he's hard to find, and honestly, I feel silly because the guys here are all really young and give me a hard time, heh.

I chose my MOS (42R) because... well, I was okay with it, and my parents were pushing me to just do that, and yeah. But I really, REALLY want to be military intelligence. I also really want to go to Airborne School, and honestly, I'd like to go active duty. I realize that all this is probably impossible, since I signed those papers at MEPS... And, I leave for Basic in 14 days. But, what exactly are the chances I could manage some of the above? And what exactly do I need to do to try to drag some of that into my contract?

Thanks for taking the time to deal with me, SGT Lori!

Thursday, April 12, 2007 5:05:00 PM  

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