Thursday, August 30, 2007

Party Time

The Annual Recruiting and Retention Battallion Banquet was held with great fanfare in Buckhead Georgia last weekend. We got all gussied up and walked around like peacocks. Myself included.

My team is Team 10 or the X-men. Get it? 10 and the Latin numeral 10 or X? MSG Ranger has worked hard all year for our little team to have a lot of motivation and work as a team. We each have character names. I am Rogue. And, yes, I am a bad ass. LOL. I was tasked with providing the centerpeices for our banquet tables. I have a recruiting assistant assigned to me and she mentioned getting an ice sculpture. Have you priced those recently?? Pricey. However I *did* find someone who sculpts table top or centerpeice ice sculptures at a reasonable price. I ordered four "X"'s.
I also found this 6 foot tall cardboard standee on Ebay!! It stood proudly in the corner near our tables. We only had three tables at the banquet so one of the ice sculptures went on the MAJ and SGM table. Hilarious.
We racked up on prizes. Three people got the over 30 award. One got Rural Chief's 54. One got the most high school enlistments award. Our RSP was boarded as the top RSP in the state. We won the three streamers for our ship rate, attendance and training pipe line loss. AND our NCOIC was boarded as number one in the state!!!! Whoo Hoo!
I got a little tipsee and took HELL about it later. One of the Station Commandos said it was like "watching your preacher have a beer". Yeah right.


Blogger SFC Guard Recruda said...

Those are always a hoot!!

good job on to your team!!

keep up the good work of finding fine Guard soldiers.

Friday, August 31, 2007 11:15:00 AM  
Blogger Politics of a Patriot said...

Sounds fun! So maybe a certain recruiter was right about Guard recruiters and alcohol... ;) j/k!

Sunday, September 02, 2007 4:02:00 AM  
Blogger spresley said...

Sgt Lori,
I enjoy your Blog very much and feel like I can really relate to your entry's.
I'd like to talk to you more about joing the National Guard.
If you read this can you please email me at or leave a response on this blog.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Scott Presley

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 11:10:00 AM  

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